Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Heads Up on Fellowships for Solid

This coming May 22-21, I'll be in San Francisco to co-chair Solid: Software / Hardware / Everywhere, a conference exploring what's next at the intersection of software and the physical world.

This is an inaugural conference sponsored by O'Reilly Media, and we're encouraging everyone from grad students, to artists, to managers, to top-level execs to come and engage in a multidisciplinary conversation about what's coming next.

To make sure that some of the best and the brightest (regardless of financial circumstances) are able to attend, we're offering ten Solid fellowships to any full-time student or independent innovator who is working on a project within the scope of Solid.

Each fellow will receive:

  • $1,000 stipend
  • A free pass to attend Solid
  • Assistance with travel expenses to the conference

You can get more info and apply here; the deadline is January 15 (11:59 PST).

If you're interested in being a presenter, there's a December 9 deadline for sending in a proposal, which will be reviewed by a diverse programming committee. The process is open to anyone. And if your proposal is accepted, you will get a free pass to the entire event.

More to come as we get closer to the event.

Joi Ito is Director of the MIT Media Lab.